Framed photograph of "veilig feest voor ieder kind" protest


Framed photograph of "veilig feest voor ieder kind" protest
Framed photograph of a protest in front of a church. In the photograph, seven figures hold signs with the following slogans, reading left to right: "zwarte piet vrij"; "veilig feest voor ieder kind"; "Eindhoven kan het. zwarte piet vrij"; "veilig feest voor ieder kind"; "veilig feest voor ieder kind"; "feest voor ieder kind"; "ntr neem nu ook afscheid"; "Eindhoven kan het. zwarte piet vrij." Two black men stand in the centre of frame, one wearing a Zwarte Piet is Racisme shirt, one with a yellow safety vest. To the left of the man wearing the Zwarte Piet is Racisme shirt stands a white person holding a phone out to take a picture, wearing a shirt that is slightly obscured but appears to also be anti-Zwarte Piet. The other people in the image wear winter clothing. Beside the church is a barren tree.
33x24x1 (cm)
Is Format Of
Koloniale Boekjes en Artefacten
Is Part Of
Collection of colonial booklets, memorabilia, etc. from around the world.
The Black Archives
Framed photograph
Seven people
Temporal Coverage
Church, Tree, Protest, Signs, Clothing
Table Of Contents
Zwarte Piet, Antiracism, Protest, Signs, Church
Item sets
Object Collection