Plastic baby doll. The boy is black - not caricatured - and wears a black cap, black long-sleeved shirt, and black sweatpants that all bear the text 'Zwarte Piet is Racisme.' On the back of the shirt, there is a panel that reads: "Coloured Goodies -" On each 'Zwarte Piet is Racisme' panel, Sinterklaas' hook is visible between the words "Piet" and "is."
Birdsall, C. (2019). Radio Documents: Broadcasting, Sound Archiving, and the Rise of Radio Studies in Interwar Germany. Technology and Culture, 60(2, Supplement), S96-S128.
Car toy made of metal. The body of the car is blue and at the front window is a cartoon white boy. At the back window is a blackface cartoon looking very distressed with his hands pressed against the window. One side window features a yellowface cartoon, and the other side has two more white children looking out. A Russian word is written atop the car, where thereis also a clock - possibly a compass.