Humanities - Omeka-S Instance


Archiving Art: The Black Archives

This is a test site of The Black Archives project of the UvA MA-course Archiving Art.
Student Creator: Richard Weaver.
Course co-ordinator: Hannah Bosma.

Preservation as performance: Liveness, loss and viability in electroacoustic music

This is the website of the NWO Veni postdoc research project <i>Preservation as performance: Liveness, loss and viability in electroacoustic music</i> of dr. Hannah Bosma at the University of Amsterdam.

TRACE - Tracking Radio Archival Collections in Europe 1930-1960

The TRACE project studies radio archival collections in Europe during and after World War II. It examines the processes by which these collections were created, archived, circulated and used. Focusing on radio collections in Western and Central/Eastern Europe, the project combines insights from archival studies, heritage studies and media history, and contextualises collections that were affected by conditions of war and occupation as well as the post-war division of a Cold War Europe and influence of Communism.

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